Welcome to mokwagivilla, this page is mainly for those who wish to learn how to buy cheap data .Are you a data consumer or you wish to start your Small business on data reselling if that's exactly what you are searching for you landed at the best page
A picture demonstrating how to purchase unlimited data plan at low price |
Did you know how I spent thousands of money on buying data only to push my online business even when I was in school I had no idea on how to buy data as a student
If you don't know how to purchase cheapest data plans in Nigeria you are not the only person now I did a deep research on find the only reputable data reselling company for you because I was in your shoes until a friend that sold data on a very high cost for me in Lagos chose to do me a favor one blessings day
The fact is that most of those pro selling Data online are more friendly to you and always tell you there no way in getting unlimited data plans in Nigeria. Some of these guys tell you before you qualify you most have to pay a token not less than 3k . They maybe right because the person that also taught me how I get data offer almost confused me to buy data sim .
- Enumeration Of Most Popular Telecom Networks & Internet Service Providers in Nigeria
- Glo
- 9mobile
- Airtel
Above are the record of most popular Telecom network and internet service provider in Nigeria and you might like to ask which of the Telecom network is best for data , the answer is simply how you chose to use any one of the Telecom Networks and internet service provider for data.
Should I use MTN for data plans ?This is your choice because I always use MTN data plan to browse in my tab and a good experience in using ever since I had no bad record of it but the why I chose 9mobile unlimited data plan mainly for my laptop is because of the structure of error I had some days ago with my system
- Comparison of MTN, glo,9mobile and Airtel unlimited Data plans
How to get cheap data with MTN
Glo unlimited data plan
Airtel data bundle
- Cheep data plans on All network in Nigeria (MTN,glo, Airtel and etsisalat {9mobile} network)
In mokwagivilla we give all what we have to Our students for free and we have been partner with this data reseller for so long term and we have there overview meaning you are safe with there payment gateway. It's important you know how to get back to us or in touch with us so as to get your link
- Record Of cheap data
The table below outline the cheapest data for each network in Nigeria
1Gb = #255 | 1Gb = #490 | 1.5Gb=#550 |
2Gb =#410 | 2.5Gb =#920 | 2Gb =#1140 |
3Gb =#765 | 4.1Gb =#1440 | 3Gb =#1440 |
4Gb =#1265 | 5.8Gb =#1800 | 4.5Gb =#1900 |
- Conclusion