How To Chose Best Course To Study

 Welcome again to another episode of "the student roadmap. In the first episode of this series, we discussed how to write an exam. If you haven't gone through it, you can do that here Also, we talked on "how to remember 90% of what you readundefined This question can be very very conflicting. Well, before I give an answer to this questions, I'll like us to firstly, answer the question, "what is the drive behind studying a course? The answer to this question might require lots of communication but I'll try and make it snappy. One of the factor that makes people study any course is what I called "Eye cutting. 

What I mean is this. You come across someone that's very successful in a particular field of study, example, a medical doctor. At that point, you start admiring his or her appearance, how smart they look, and then, without even considering what you're capable of, you decide to study medicine. Well, to me, I see it as a starting point to failure. Well, for some persons who really don't know what they want, they might end up succeeding in that field.

How To Chose Best Course To Study

 At the long run, they'll only discover they've been on the wrong path. Time has been lost already. The second reason why people study what they do is "peer pressure. This might sound funny, but that's the truth. Someone who was about taking an entrance exam came to me and requested I guide her through on which course to study. After much conversation with her, she told me the reason she had wanted to study LAW was because all her friends were offered admission in Law. So she felt she can also be successful at it.

 When it comes to choosing of course, you don't choose base on feelings, you choose base on your strength and passion: we'll talk on this later. After counselling her on what to study, she finally gave in to the advice, and today she is a happy graduate. What would have happened to her if she went for the wrong course?? Possibly she'll be struggling to scale through, which might lead her into doing things she shouldn't have done if she had gone for the right course. The third reason is . "Parental Factor. Parents seems to have a great impact on a child's decision on what to study.

 On the contrary, they can be doing it wrongly. Some parents force their child into studying what is against their will. Yes, it happens. A guy who wanted to study political science was forced by his parent into studying accounting. For crying out loud, the boy doesn't love maths. He hates number... After much persuasion, agreed studying law. After five years of study, the young man graduated, but still felt unfulfilled.

 This greatly affected his career growth, because he never had love for what he studied. And this is the same issue some many person are facing. They are been lured into studying something far different from what they want. Here is my candy advice, follow my next episode on "how to persuade your parents to support your dreams without having a conversation. See you.

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