Curriculum was said to have come from two Latin word 'currus' means to run a race courier in French (to run) . It's believe that one start a race once one begin to learn, originally it was regarded as a track through which people's ran to reach a goal
Curriculum is said to be a document,plan or blue print instructional guide which is use for teaching and learning to bring about positive and desirable learner behavioural change.
Curriculum can be taken to mean the instrument by means of which school seek to translate the hope of society in which they function into concrete reality (offorma, 2006) I plan and sequence ,it's a vehicle through which education is attained.
Curriculum According To Wheeler (1978) is a sequence of potential experience set up in school for the purpose of discipline children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting. This implies that curriculum is planned and arrange in such a way that simpler things come before more complex thing. Sequencing is interpreted by the dictum ? Start from known to unknown,from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract.
Concept Of Curriculum Planning
Planning suggest as a systemized pattern of doing things that has some degree of order and harmony. Curriculum planning is a decision making and selection process.
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The process of identify the needs of people selecting the objective, content, learning experience, and evaluating these process is called Curriculum Planning. The resultant documents of this process is the curriculum which is defined is the totallity of of planned school experience organized by the school for the leaders personal professional growth and development. It's base on dicision making and choice.
Concept Of Curriculum Planning - Definition, Objectives and Curriculum model
- It help planner to achieve continuity
- It's help learner to avoid interruption
- It help to meet the need of changing society
- It consider the needs , interest aspirations and background of the society
- It increases the probability of success to be achieved
- Useful record,data and relevant information of what has been done and what needs to be done are taking to considering
- Goal can only be achieved through planning into consideration
Who plan the curriculum?
It's most stated that categoriy that not a single group of people should plan the curriculum if such curriculum is to be meaningful, comprehensive and reflective of the needs and aspirations of the citizens and the nation rather . The planning includes the selection and organization of the relevant learning or educational experience should be a joint or corporative activity involving different groups represent various view , interest, organization and ideologist. These includes
Layman : in deciding the role of the layman in the curriculum process. It should be born in mind that curriculum development involved four major
- A definition of the kind of purpose which education and schooling prices should searve , that's objective and
- The selection of learning experience or material or subject matter for achieving the objective
- The needed method of guiding and directing the students so that the selected experience will make the desire impact in their lives in time of attainment of the set objective
- The evaluation of the behavior or experience which the students aquire in relation to the objective stated for them
Parents And Citizens : These group of people can contribute to the curriculum process with respect to item one and four above textbook develop for the specific subject. The model hingest so much on the content that very little attention may be paid to learner interest on experiences . There is also the correlation design which links separate subject design and reduces fragmentation. Subject are linked but each maintain it identity. There is also the interdeciplinary Curriculum Planning model . It's made to prevent compartmentalization of subject and bring related subject together. These model are put into three distinct groups
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- Objective
- Process
- Interaction model of curriculum
These model can be described as rational curriculum planning model . It's linear in structure an attain to impose a hirachy structure on the planning process. The stated objective are geared towards achieve behavior modifications in the learning and evaluating by relevant acessmemt of the behavioural change the curriculum,is expected to bring about when compared with it stated intention.. there are three steps in this model
- Step 1 selection of objective
- Step 2 selection of educational experience
- Step 3 Organization of learning experience
- Step 4 Evaluation
Tyler's Model
These planning model seek to ensure that the following four questions are well covered in developing the curriculum they are ;
- What educational purposes does a school want to achieve?
- What learning experience are likely to achieve these purpose?
- How can these learning experience be effectively organized?
- How can we determine the attained of these. Purpose?
Features of Tyler's objective model stared with the selection of aims , goals and objectives. Then educational experiences are selection to achieve the first stage these experience which are mostly the content provide material to be learned. The organization of learning experience discuss appropriate instruction material and effective method that will help to achieve the stated objective,the weather learning of both content and objectives will determine whether learning has taken place and behavior modifications occurred
Above you the all the necessary aspect of curriculum and more effort would be out if you drop what you feel about it as well keep updating this article as soon as we have anything to add